Simplification in Translation of Legal Texts based upon Steiner's Hermeneutic approach

Document Type : Original Article


Department of French Language at Tarbiat Modares University (TMU), Tehran, Iran


 Legal texts, due to by their heterogeneous and protean nature, are difficult to understand; a fortiori, to be translated intralinguistically or extralinguistically. This issue leads us to emphasize the need to produce translations that receivers understand. The question is then that, beside the various challenges of the translation of the legal texts (principally those associated with terminological, pragmatic and above all interpretative issues), what challenges and solutions a specialized translator may encounter while his simplifying operation. It is hypothesized that in addition to the multiple diversified nature of legal texts which make these texts difficult to grasp, the difficulty of understanding these texts stems mainly from the inextricable overlaying of manifold interpretative layers that are innate to them. It is therefore suggested that the interpretative-philosophical approach on which the Steinerian hermeneutics is based, serve as a precious aid during the process of simplification and clarification of interpretative elements, especially for what aligns with the interpretative side of the specialized translator. The results showed that the Steinerian cyclic structure (composed of four stages "the surge of confidence", "aggression", "incorporation" and "restitution") would prove to be an incomparable tool for a clearer understanding of these texts and that thanks to it, the translator achieves a simpler, more precise and successful transposition of the desired concepts. 


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